CCSE Leadership: Center Co-Directors
Nicolas Hadjiconstantinou & Youssef Marzouk

CCSE Co-Directors Youssef Marzouk (left) and Nicolas Hadjiconstantinou (right) [photo: Qianyu (Julie) Zhu]
In 2018 Professors Nicolas Hadjiconstantinou and Youssef Marzouk were formally named the center’s co-directors. Prior to this both served as co-directors of the center’s graduate educational programs; Prof. Hadjiconstantinou since 2010 and Prof. Marzouk since 2013.
Nicolas Hadjiconstantinou is a professor in MIT’s Department of Mechanical Engineering. His research interests lie in the scientific challenges that arise when characteristic flow lenghscales become on the order of, or smaller than, the fluid internal lengthscale. At these lengthscales, the traditional descriptions of transport, namely the Navier-Stokes-Fourier set of equations can no longer be used, and one typically needs to resort to higher fidelity approaches, such as a molecular description. His research group uses theoretical molecular mechanics approaches, as well as molecular simulation techniques, to develop better understanding, as well as reliable models of nanoscale transport in this regime. Prof. Hadjiconstantinou received a BA and MA in engineering from the University of Cambridge, and MS’s in both mechanical engineering and physics from MIT, where he also earned his PhD in mechanical engineering. He is a former Lawrence Livermore Fellow and was awarded the Gustus L. Larson Award from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Youssef Marzouk is a professor in MIT’s Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics and is also a core member of MIT’s Statistics and Data Science Center. His research interests lie at the intersection of computation and statistical inference with physical modeling. He develops new methodologies for uncertainty quantification, Bayesian modeling and computation, data assimilation, experimental design, and machine learning in complex physical systems. His methodological work is motivated by a wide variety of engineering and environmental applications. Prof. Marzouk received his BS, MS, and PhD degrees in mechanical engineering at the Institute, and spent several years at Sandia National Laboratories before joining the faculty in 2009. He is a recipient of the Hertz Foundation doctoral thesis prize, the Sandia Laboratories Truman Fellowship, the U.S. Department of Energy Early Career Research Award, and the Junior Bose Award for Teaching Excellence from the MIT School of Engineering.
Both Profs. Hadjiconstantinou and Marzouk are passionate about computational science and engineering education and enjoy working with CCSE’s students, faculty and researchers to create a thriving intellectual community that spans MIT’s five schools and the college.