Fall 2022 Virtual Graduate School Fair

Join CCSE at the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing Virtual Grad School Fair: Academic Programs Showcase

The MIT Schwarzman College of Computing is home to some of the world’s most well-known programs in their field, including a variety of computationally-intensive graduate programs. In these specialized programs, students and faculty address challenging multifaceted problems using data, computational methods, and a host of interdisciplinary techniques. These programs prepare students to contribute in a variety of ways: from promoting responsible and beneficial data-driven policies to developing new computational methods. This graduate school fair is a showcase of several of the programs found in the College, including the CSE PhD and SM programs.

Visit the event page for more information and be sure to register to join us on Monday, October 17 at 12 PM Eastern Time to learn more, find out how to apply, and to hear from students and program staff.

Register by October 12 for links and program materials.


  • 12:00 PM – Welcome, Prof. Noelle Selin (host)
  • 12:15 PM – Current Student Panel, Dr. Rhonda Jordan Antoine (moderator)
  • 1:15 PM – Program–Specific Sessions