Elizabeth Qian, a doctoral student in MIT’s Center for Computational Science and Engineering and in the Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics was awarded the 2020 SIAM Student Paper Prize for her paper, “Multifidelity Monte Carlo Estimation of Variance and Sensitivity Indices” which was published in SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification in 2018. Qian co-authored the paper with Benjamin Peherstorfer, Dan O’Malley, Velimir Vesselinov, and Karen Willcox
The SIAM Student Paper Prize recognizes outstanding scholarship by students in applied mathematics and computing as evidenced in a paper accepted for publication in a SIAM journal. The prize is awarded annually to the student authors of the most outstanding papers accepted by a SIAM journal within the three years preceding the nomination deadline. The award is based solely on the merit and content of the candidate’s contribution to the paper. Up to three prizes are awarded.
Elizabeth Qian holds SB and SM degrees from MIT in aerospace engineering and has been awarded a US Fulbright Student Grant, a Fannie and John Hertz Foundation Fellowship, and a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. Starting in 2021, Qian will be a von Kármán Postdoctoral Instructor at California Institute of Technology in the Department of Computing and Mathematical Sciences. Her research interests are in the development of reduced models and multifidelity methods to support decision-making in engineering and scientific applications.